14% of VC dollars are now going to climatetech¹, and complex software is central to it. Working on software and anxious to make a climate impact? Learn about software careers in climate.
A comprehensive overview on software careers in climate change. Complete with opportunity areas such as renewables, electric mobility and the built environment; interesting companies in each area; and climate job search resources.
The latest from the scientific establishment on climate change and its expected impact.
Through jobs, open source projects, and activism in your current company and role.
3 key areas of the economy where climate action is booming (such as the coming $2T renewables economy²) and where software development is critical to success.
Get an overview of software applications in climate action and an understanding of how you can build a climate career through new jobs, open source work, or activism within your company.
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Before we jump into how software professionals can join climate action, let’s briefly talk about the scale and urgency of the problem.
Think of software as an enabler. Since the problem doesn’t live primarily in the digital world, software itself will not help us solve it. However, we can use our expertise in software engineering as a tool to contribute towards efforts that will help take climate action.
So we have established that there are several opportunities for software engineers. But how can you put your set of software skills to use in this fight?
We answer some of the most commonly asked questions from our students – from salary estimates to getting climate jobs and qualifications.
…and software is an essential part of the solution. Take this free class to reimagine your software career in climate.
Want to go much deeper? Join the next 6-week intensive software engineer cohort that covers a crash course on climate science and impacts, the highest leverage solutions for your skills, and making your first contribution.