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You'll be in stellar company

Sidewalk Labs

Ha Vu

Through, Ha transitioned her software skills to Sidewalk Labs, where she is working on sustainability innovation in urban design.

Diversified Hydrogen

Shawn Drost

A tech founder, Shawn started a clean energy company called Diversified Hydrogen after taking a program. And he also co-created a fellowship!

MCJ Collective

Cody Simms

Cody pivoted his career into climate investing as partner at MCJ Collective because of He also co-founded Climate Changemakers, a 501(c)(4) climate-focused political action network.

Enzia Ventures

Namita Dalmia

After her experience,  Namita, a former investment manager, now runs Enzia Ventures—a venture fund focused on impact areas including the environment. 

The foundation for your climate career

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